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Week 5: Draft

Lumion Draft

Sketch Up Draft 


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Final Product Photos: Could not upload Lumion Folder due to this error prompt. Sketchup File: Marking Sheets/Proof of Attendance:

Project 2 Week 1: Skectches

Sketches: Significant Theory: Inspiration sourced from design elements found in our natural environment can enable us to create unique and aesthetically pleasing designs that are also structurally sound.  Eray Carbajo  Designed by Urban Rural Keywords: Hexagon Honeycomb Modular Units Ideas: My idea consists of using hexagon polygons on throughout the exterior of my structure, similarly to how Urban Rural have designed the Ray Carbajo in Istanbul. However instead of using the hexagons as modular units and the primary living spaces I would use the hexagonal array on the exterior of my building to act as a blanket to my interior space a honey comb net. I Still do intend on incorporating the garden attributes of this structure on the exterior of the building to improve the aesthetic qualities of the building both inside and out.  Reference:  Wang, L. (2017).  Tre...